In late October, the Colorado Department of Education announced the winner of the 2019 Teacher of the Year Award.The award went to Margaret ìMegî Cypress, a fifth-grade teacher at Bradley International School in Denver Public Schools.Among the six finalists was Nathan Pearsall, a teacher at Vista Ridge High School in El Paso County Colorado School District 49.Pearsall, who teaches critical thinking, Advanced Placement United States history; and serves as the schoolís gifted and talented coordinator, said he was humbled to make it to the finals as the only teacher from Colorado Springs.ìI know all the quality teachers that we have not only in the district, but in other districts in the area,î Pearsall said. ìI kind of had that imposter syndrome, like do I even deserve this because there are so many talented teachers out there.îPearsall has been in D 49 and teaching at VRHS for six years. He was awarded the VRHS teacher of the year award, which qualified him to apply for the state award, he said. The application process required several written submissions and a one-minute video outlining an issue currently impacting education and how it could be resolved, Pearsall said.ìUltimately, I would not be in the position I am in if I had not spoken out about the things that are not up to the standards I feel our students deserve,î he said. ìWe have to be brave and advocate for what is best for our kids.î