Beeís Book Club has reinvented itself†from a traditional book club into a dynamic producer of the widely needed†quality face masks designed to mitigate the†spread of coronavirus ñ- COVID-19.†They still have their traditional†monthly book club meeting sessions, but since early April they have been efficiently†manufacturing and distributing high quality face masks at a rate of 1,000 per†week!†The beneficiaries of this effort†to date have been first responders, doctors, nurses,†seniors, prison guards and†members of veteransí groups.†AARP†Chapter 1100 in Black Forest is one of the recipients.†The masks are made of donated 100 percent cotton†cloth and one-fourth inch elastic.†Every mask is†washable and reusable.†Each mask takes†about 15 minutes of individual effort to produce.†† † † † †The team of volunteers practices social†distancing during the manufacturing process by each working at home yet still†functioning as a production line ó some†members cut the cloth to size, some†sew and others assemble.†As master†coordinator, Adria Lopour, founder and president of the book club, coordinates the incremental making and distributing of mask†elements by†shuttling incomplete items from worker to worker.†She also obtains the materials and†coordinates the delivery of finished masks.†The group currently has prepared†numerous packets of 10 masks†available for a donation.† † † ††The book club has a 15-year history of helping charitable†organizations, especially around the Christmas†holidays.†Their activities include providing toys and†other useful items to needy children.†The†book club membership consists of 23 working, retired, and senior†ladies.† † † †Beeís Book Club is a self-funded group, but†will accept donations.†Their particular†need at this time is for the materials to make additional†masks.†Remnants of 100 percent cotton cloth are acceptable†as they can be sewn together.†Contact†Adria at 719-351-1286 if you have questions.
COVID-19 warriors
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