By Lindsey Harrison
Sterling Ranch
The El Paso County Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved a request from Sterling Ranch Metropolitan District No. 2 for an urban parks lands agreement with Sterling Ranch Filing No. 4. The metro district has expressed the intent to construct urban park amenities within Filing No. 4 that would provide recreation opportunities for the public and residents of Sterling Ranch, for about $762,249. The agreement includes a $45,530 credit to the metro district to offset the county’s urban park fees.
All improvements are subject to review and acceptance by the county, and will be installed in compliance with county regulations, resolutions and standards. The metro district will maintain the urban park.
The commissioners also approved a similar urban park lands agreement with the metro district for Sterling Ranch Filing No. 5. The urban park amenities are estimated to cost $205,291 and include a $21,816 credit to the metro district to offset the county’s urban park fees.
Paint Mines Interpretive Park
The BOCC unanimously approved an amendment and change order to DHM Design for the Paint Mines Interpretive Park master plan development for $6,527. The amendment will add a complete paleontological resource field survey and report in support of the plan. The field survey will be to document any newly discovered fossil localities within the park and reevaluate the five previously recorded fossil localities.
Rolling Hills Ranch North
The commissioners unanimously approved a request by GTL Inc. to rezone 148.873 acres from a conceptual planned unit development to a site-specific PUD, including approval of a preliminary plan for 441 single-family residential lots, three tracts, 46 acres of open space and 24 acres of public rights-of-way. The property is located at the end of Rex Road, about 1.5 miles east of Meridian Road.
Bent Grass
The BOCC unanimously approved a request by Cd Meridian & Bent Grass LLC to vacate and replat 1.46 acres to create two commercial lots. The property is located at 8035 Meridian Park Drive, south of Bent Grass Meadows Drive and Meridian Park Drive, and is zoned commercial service.
North Meridian Road
The commissioners unanimously approved a request by CAP Storage Falcon LLC to rezone 2.13 acres from commercial regional to commercial service. The property is located about 0.25 miles south of East Woodmen Road, on the northwest corner of Old Meridian Road and McLaughlin Road.
Rex Road and Meridian Road
The BOCC unanimously approved a contract modification order and change order to RME Ltd. LLC (doing business as Elite Surface Infrastructure) for the Rex Road and Meridian Road intersection improvements for a $950,000 increase to the current $7,059,630.65 contract. The increase will cover the cost of placing additional rock for the soft spots not suitable for the road to be constructed on when ESI removed the existing pavement. This brings the total project cost to $8,009,630.65.
Peyton Fire Station
The commissioners unanimously approved a request by Fairfield and Woods for a subdivision exemption for 2.5 acres, zoned residential rural-5, to be used as an unmanned fire station for the Peyton Fire Protection District. The property is located 0.5 miles east of the Bradshaw Road and Sweet Road intersection.