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Black Forest AARP holiday celebration

The December meeting of the Black Forest AARP Chapter featured the annual Yuletide celebration of good food,†fellowship, fun and helping those who might be less fortunate.A catered dinner included turkey, ham, potatoes and gravy; and a large variety of delicious side dishes and†desserts were enjoyed by members and guests.†A sing-along program of Christmas Carols led by The Spirit of Grace, a†choir associated with Our Lady of the Pines Catholic Church in Black Forest, provided a festive interlude.†Holiday table†decorations designed and made by Diane Apodaca and Lin Rozak adorned the tables.†The table decorations and many†more seasonal items were given away in a drawing after the business meeting that followed the dinner and†entertainment.The business meeting featured the election of chapter officers for 2015. Installation of the elected officers will†take place at the Jan. 14 meeting, beginning at noon.†Friends and guests are invited to attend this ceremony and the†lunch to follow.†For additional information, contact Chuck at 749-9227. All are welcome.

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