The Colorado Department of Agriculture Animal Health Division has cited a problem with rabies in the state. At least two dogs have contracted rabies, and 30 plus rabid skunks have been confirmed in nine Colorado counties.In addition to ensuring that pets and livestock are vaccinated properly against rabies, here are additional prevention steps:
- Be aware of skunks out during the day. This is abnormal behavior and the animals should be avoided.
- Be aware of areas that can be suitable habitat for skunks such as under buildings or piles of wood and under stored equipment.
- Donít feed wild animals or allow your pets around them. Be sure to teach children to stay away from wild animals. Avoid leaving pet food outside as that may attract a wild animal.
- Contact your veterinarian right away if any of your animals are bitten or scratched by any wild animal, particularly skunks, bats, foxes or raccoons.
- If your animals exhibit any dramatic behavioral changes, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. †Isolate and avoid contact with these animals if possible.
- Rabies vaccination should be considered for horses and other equines, breeding livestock, cattle or other livestock that are housed where skunks may live.
- If you must remove a dead skunk on your property, wear rubber gloves or lift the carcass with a shovel or other tool, and double-bag it for the trash. Do not directly touch the skunk with bare hands.