The 49th Black Forest Arts and Craft Fair got started on a wet and soggy day, but by the weekend the sun started to shine, and the show blossomed.The fair showcased art and crafts and also featured childrenís items like sock monkeys, clothes and blankets. The goods also included fresh jams, baked goods, bath salts and yard art like wind catchers and large metal sculpted flowers.ìThe fair is more like a boutique than a craft show,î said Kathy Pavek, Black Forest Art Guild member. ìIt is all put together by style ñ baby stuff with baby stuff, kitchen items all together. I like that because I hate going to a craft show, and the vendor is right there staring at you. It makes you feel uncomfortable and more obligated to buy.îPatty Kryzanowski, a member of the guild for four years, said that members often have ìcraft ADHD.î She had made afghan blankets as well as upcycled pillows. As a biologist, Kryzanowski said upcyclying is important to her.Guild members were on hand throughout the show to assist customers and answer questions.