There is some good news in the midst of all the gloom and doom caused by the coronavirus. Jon Webb, emergency services director for the Falcon Fire Protection District, said ambulance calls have decreased. He said dispatchers notify ambulance crews of any coronavirus symptoms relayed by a caller. The crews use full protective gear and interview the person who called for ambulance service. If they do not exhibit all the symptoms of the virus, the crew asks them to self-quarantine at home, rather than expose others at the hospital. If a person wants to get further medical attention, he or she can have a video conference with a doctor.Webb said that the overall call numbers have been down. Because people have been staying at home, he said there are fewer automobile accidents and other traumatic events.Currently, they have enough protective equipment and are keeping up with their inventory; and will put in orders as needed. The third ambulance went into service the end of March.Stay connected with the Falcon Fire Protection DistrictWebsite: http://www.falconfirepd.orgFacebook: Falcon Fire DepartmentTwitter: