Newly elected officers and board members for 2014 were installed at the January meeting of the Black Forest AARP chapter. Roberto Rey of the AARP Colorado State office in Denver performed the installation. The ceremony preceded the usual potluck luncheon meal. Donald Von Gunden presented an informative program that summarized changes to the Colorado and federal tax code that could impact senior citizens as they prepare their 2013 taxes. He also discussed the level of complexity that IRS-certified AARP volunteer tax preparers can address, their special expertise is suggested for citizens who suffered from fire or flood losses during the tax year. A brief business meeting followed the program.The community is invited to attend the chapterís annual FREE Stroke and Heart Attack Identification and Response Training presentation conducted by the Black Forest Search and Rescue paramedics. The training will take place Feb. 12, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall of the Black Forest Lutheran Church at 12455 Black Forest Road. The course will teach the basic signs and symptoms a person in distress could exhibit and the immediate responses required to minimize the impact of the trauma and perhaps even save the personís life.The usual chapter potluck lunch and meeting will follow at noon on Feb. 12. Everyone is invited to stay after the training for lunch. For more information, call Chuck at 749-9227 or visit the chapter website at