News Briefs

AARP Black Forest – Patriot Day remembrance

Patriot Day, Sept. 11, the National Day of Service†and Remembrance or 9/11 Day is a federally recognized day of†unity and charitable service,†annually observed throughout the United States†and in other countries on the anniversary of the†Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. It†has grown to become the largest annual day of†charitable service in the United States.† † † † †AARP Colorado Springs Chapter 1100, in conjunction with†AARP Colorado in Denver and the Bruce McCandless Veterans Community Living†Center near Florence, Colorado, recently teamed up to provide useful items†for the centerís residents in appreciation for their service.† † † † †At a special ceremony, Jeremiah Mora, AARP associate†state director-community outreach, with several members of Chapter 1100,†presented†30 wheelchair pouches to the center for distribution to residents. Mr. Mora expressed the sincere appreciation†on behalf of AARP Colorado and AARP†Chapter 1100 for the military service they had†provided while on active duty, and cited the desire for AARP to recognize their†service. Art Stucke,†resident†council vice president at the Veterans Community Center and a resident at the†home, acknowledged the presentation on behalf of the McCandless†veteran residents.†Mr. Stucke said the items donated†would be useful and were much appreciated.† † † † †After the ceremony, the AARP guests spent time chatting with†many of the veterans at the McCandless Center before departing.† † † † †The Veterans†Colorado Community Living Centers serve only veterans, veteransí spouses and Gold-Star parents, creating a unique atmosphere†among long-term care†facilities. Residents enjoy camaraderie with other veterans and respect from†staff and volunteers.† † † † † The Bruce McCandless Veterans Community Living Center at†Florence is a Colorado State Department of Human Services facility that†provides†long-term and short-term services and rehabilitation, special programs,†and many amenities for veterans and their children and families, and people with†disabilities.† † † † †The AARP chapter in Colorado Springs consists of more than 60†members.†The motto of the chapter is ìTo†Serve not to be Served.î†The chapter has†been designated the best chapter in Colorado for community service for the past†nine consecutive years.†Individuals†interested in community service,†social interactions and interesting speakers†and programs should contact Ray at 719-495-6767.†To review past chapter activities or view the†upcoming†chapter calendar of events visit† All are welcome to visit a meeting and enjoy lunch. There are no age†restrictions for membership.

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