The Black Forest AARP Chapter 1100 October†meeting was a celebration of good food, fellowship, community†service,†education and the 47th†anniversary of Chapter 1100 ó with some spooky characters present. After a delicious lunch and large ìbirthday†cake,î Ray Rozak, chapter president, presented a donation check from the†chapter membership to Bryan†Spinner of Hope Restored, a faith-based†501(c)3 charity with volunteers based in Colorado Springs. Their mission is responding†to disasters and training others to clean up†following disasters.†The donation will be used for equipment†maintenance and operation.†Hope Restored,†incorporated in 2011, operates entirely on donations†and has responded to the†needs of more than 1,000 victims of fire, tornado and flood disasters in the Black Forest area and throughout Colorado and across†the nation as well. Stephanie Bevan, community relations and†marketing representative from the Rocky Mountain Health Care Services, presented†a program outlining the†Colorado Springs organizationís operation and how it†folds into the national PACE (Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) model.†She also answered questions on eligibility and how the services are funded.†This†organization is the presenting†sponsor at the Senior Resource Councilís Nov.†17 holiday dinner dance at the city auditorium in Colorado Springs. The event is open to all seniors;†reservations are necessary. AARP Chapter 1100 will provide volunteer services†in preparation for the event. Lavonne Hidy, Chapter 1100 awards committee chairwoman, presented ìSpecial Longevity Badgesî to several chapter members.†Electa Beckner†received a badge for being a chapter member for 20 years.†Carolyn Jawarski received a badge for 15†years; and Ray and Lin Rozak, Chuck and Shirley†Karlstrum, Lavonne Hidy and†Rosemary OíConnell each received badges for 10 years of continuous service.†† Those members who tried to spook everyone with their Halloween costumes were judged by fellow members.†It was a close†contest with several unique†and unusual attires.†The winning costumes†were worn by Herb Guild and Lavonne Hidy ó both received a certificate for a free pie. The next Chapter 1100 meeting will start†at noon Nov. 14 in the Fellowship Hall of the Black Forest Lutheran†Church at 12455 Black Forest Road.†All†are†welcome.†For more information, call Ray†at 719-495-6767.
AARP Black Forest – October celebration
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