The catered meal of turkey, ham,†dressing, potatoes and gravy, complemented by exceptional salads and many†outstanding desserts, was enjoyed by 51 members and guests at the†Nov. 14 meeting†of AARP Chapter 1100 in Black Forest.†The†food was only the beginning, as the day went on to include a program of recognition†and†prizes for veterans and widows of veteran. Senior injury prevention†information was also discussed, as well as filling Salvation Army stockings for needy children. The honored guest at the meeting, Jeremiah Mora, AARP Colorado associate director ó communications†outreach, participated in the board meeting earlier†that†morning. Shirley Karlstrum presented an†impressive program honoring veterans on the 100th anniversary of the end†of WW I.†Shirley made sure a separate†honorary table†was set for the many MIAs of past conflicts. She donated two†of her handmade quilted wall hangings that were given to a veteran and a†widow of a veteran.†The†winners of the quilt masterpieces were drawn at random.†Stanley Beckner won the veteranís prize, and Lavonne Hidy won the widowís prize.†Shirley also prepared a bag of special items for the veterans who were present.†Each bag commemorated†the branch of service each veteran had served. Lori Morgan, trauma outreach and†injury prevention specialist with UCHealth in Colorado Springs, presented an†interesting and informative program on the prevention of falls that happen in and†around†the home.Lori said falls are the†most common cause of traumatic brain injuries.†As suspected, alcohol and medicine often result in†falls, but other†culprits can be vision problems, as well as incorrect use of walkers, canes,†loose rugs and various tripping hazards.†Lori suggested that older or impaired†individuals should always keep†their cell phone on their person, even at home, in case of falls.†She demonstrated how best to get up after a†fall, and discussed several ways to†strengthen muscles with simple exercises to help†prevent falls. Contact Lori at 719-365-2872 for more information or schedule†attendance at one of the numerous fall†prevention workshops. As a community service project, chapter†members filled over a dozen holiday gift stockings for the Salvation Army.†Each stocking was filled with special items†for†children of specific ages.†The†stockings will be distributed by the Salvation Army to needy children in the†Colorado Springs area during the Christmas holidays. Membership in the Black Forest AARP†Chapter is open to all.†There are no age†restrictions. The chapter prides itself in doing community service†projects.†Those†interested in visiting†or joining should contact Ray at 719-495-6767.†Visit the chapter website at†
AARP Black Forest – Celebrating our veterans
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