AARP Chapter 1100 in Black Forest is off†and running in the new year.†The January†meeting featured the election of chapter officers for 2019.†Roberto Rey, AARP†associate director ñ†Multicultural Outreach in Denver, performed the ceremony installing the new†officers.††Officers installed†were Ray Rozak, president; Patricia†Dix, vice-president; Lin Rozak, secretary;†Lavonne Hidy, assistant secretary; Shirley Karlstrum, treasurer; Jim Belk, Don†Dinwoodie and Max Stucky, board members for a one-year term,†2019-2020; and Waldo Pendleton, Beverly†Schaab and Stan Beckner, board members for two-year terms, 2019-2021. At the January meeting, Cheryl Moyer detailed many of the aspects†of the new income tax laws applicable to the membership; and answered questions.† A†ìStop the Bleed ñ Save a Lifeî workshop was held prior to the February meeting. Lori Morgan,†trauma outreach and injury prevention specialist, along with a team of†paramedics from UCHealth provided first-aid techniques.†Twenty-two workshop attendees were divided into groups following a presentation. They received hands-on instructions using mannequins, and learned how to control†traumatic accidental bleeding through the proper use of††a tourniquet and several direct pressure†techniques ó procedures that could save lives until professional†assistance is obtained.†The American College of Surgeons developed the techniques after the Sandy Hook†tragedy, where many victims bled to death.†After the workshop, UCHealth presented†the chapter with two ìStop the Bleedî trauma kits.†The chapter gave one kit to Pastor Ken†Hohag for the Black†Forest Lutheran Church, and the other one will be included†in the standard kit Chapter 1100 deploys at fairs, expos and other†community service events.Bryan†Jack, fire chief for Black Forest Fire and Rescue, provided the February program, discussing key aspects of†fire and individual safety†in the home.†He cautioned everyone to be mindful of hazards†this time of year, and answered general questions†about fire†migration and safety in and around the home.†Chief Jack also stated that his personnel are available, upon request,†to access home hazards in†the Black Forest Area.The meeting potluck lunch was†enjoyed by all.†During the short†business meeting, the membership discussed details on community service volunteering and attendance opportunities†this summer, which†include the annual shredding†event and senior expo events in June, as well as the†monthly (fourth Wednesday) senior social gatherings†at the Black Forest Lutheran Church, open to members and non-members.†An AARP Smart Driver Course will be held in Black Forest March 21. For more information on these†activities or to visit or become a Chapter 1100 member,†call Ray at†719-495-6767, or Stan at 719-596-6787 or visit the chapter website at†††There are no age restrictions†for chapter†membership, and all are welcome.
AARP Black Forest – A busy start to the new year
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