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AARP Black Forest

The election of 2017 chapter officers was conducted at the December meeting of the Black†Forest AARP Chapter #1100. Those elected were Charles Karlstrum, president; Patricia Dix, vice†president; Rita Fitzpatrick, secretary; Linda Siebe, assistant secretary; and Shirley Karlstrum, treasurer.†Board members elected were Lavonne Hidy, Howard Pease and Don Dinwoodie (for 2017-2018); and†Stan Beckner, Waldo Pendleton and Beverly Schaab (for 2017-2019). Nomination committee members†elected are Edna Eaton and Thresa Tilton. The elected chapter officers will be installed on Jan. 11 at†the chapter meeting at the Black Forest Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall in Black Forest.† † † † † †Each elected chapter officer received a distinctive lapel pin indicating their post as being an†elected Chapter 1100 officer. In addition, the chapter president presented past chapter president pins to†Don Von Gunden and Waldo Pendleton.† † † † † †The day also featured a catered holiday meal of turkey, ham, and all the trimmings, including†some outstanding desserts and side dishes contributed by the membership. An extensive door prize†drawing followed the business meeting during which many chapter members received valuable and unique†surprise gifts.† † † † † †The Spirit of Grace singing group, Roxanne S. (pianist), Kay M., Caoilainn D., and Carol B.,†presented a sing-along program of holiday and Christmas music. The group was from Our Lady of the†Pines Catholic Church in Black Forest.† † † † † †Black Forest AARP Chapter membership is open to all ages. The chapter focus is on doing†community service projects and activities. Individuals interested in working in the community and for†the community should contact Stan at 719-596-678. Chapter dues are $10 per year. More information on the†chapter and its planned and past activities can be found at†

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