Summer†in Black Forest was a busy time for Chapter 1100 of AARP.†First, there was the Black Forest Festival,†then our chapterís†blood drive; and, later in the month, the senior social.† The†Black Forest Festival was bigger and better than ever before.†There were many vendors and activities, and†the AARP Chapter†1100 booth did well.†The†chapter gave away free bottles of cold water, free potted plants and had†delicious homemade cookies and baked†goods for sale at reasonable prices. Visitors†at the booth were given the opportunity to donate money to Shield 616, a†local 501c3 charity,†if they desired.††† A†week later, the chapter hosted a blood drive at the Black Forest Fire and Rescue†Station on Teachout Road.†A local†professional†organization interviewed all of the volunteers and properly†drew blood to preserve for future use in area hospitals.†Chapter 1100 members served to greet and help†with the administrative activities of signing donors in, and helped set up the†area in the†firehouse for use during the day. The†monthly senior social Aug. 28 featured the usual opportunity for†individuals of all ages to participate in games crafts, puzzles or just sit†and talk in an informal atmosphere.†Light snacks were provided.†The senior socials, the fourth Wednesday of†each month, from 1 to 4 p.m. at Black Forest Lutheran Church, are open to all without membership or financial†obligations. Contact†the Chapter 1100 president, Ray Rozak, at 719-495-6767 if you are interested in†visiting the Sept. 11 chapter meeting.†All are welcome.