Residents who might have thought they lived in Falcon Hills (the subdivision on the northwest corner of Meridian Road and Londonderry Drive in Falcon) actually live in Paint Brush Hills. Some were a bit confused when one entrance sign had changed from Falcon Hills to Paint Brush Hills, while another sign at Stapleton Road and Towner Avenue still read Paint Brush Hills.Leon Gomes, the new district manager for Paint Brush Hills Metropolitan District, said the impetus to change the signs came up when he posed a question to the district in the spring of 2014: Is that area Falcon Hills or Paint Brush Hills?ìThe Falcon Hills name only exists with the original developer of this area, and their website and those signs,î Gomes said. ìEl Paso County knows this as Paint Brush Hills; the Pikes Peak Association of Realtors lists houses here as Paint Brush Hills; everyoneís property deeds in the subdivision refer to it as Paint Brush Hills. For all intents and purposes, legally, this is Paint Brush Hills, not Falcon Hills.îGomes said when the PBHMD agreed the area is technically Paint Brush Hills, he asked if they wanted to change the signs.ìI got proposals to change the sign out; and, in August 2014, the board approved the proposal for the fabrication of the letters; but it took another year before they actually went up,î he said.The cost for the changes was less than $3,000, excluding labor, Gomes said. Newsletters from PBHMD had been sent out with information about the pending changes, he said.The discrepancy in the name designation for the area stems from the marketing efforts of the original developer. Gomes said the development company wanted the area to be Falcon Hills, although it has always been part of Paint Brush Hills.ìThe name change may be confusing to current residents in the area but for people that are looking to purchase a home there, it is easier because it is consistently identifiable now with how it is named,î Gomes said.Gomes said he does not know when the other sign will be changed.