- Police in Ossining, New York, were called to a mini-mart, where they found Blake Leak, 23, trying to break in. They chased Leak through the streets until both cops took a fall. Seizing the opportunity, Leak sought refuge on the grounds of a large building. The building was the Sing Sing Maximum Security Prison, where he was promptly nabbed by a guard.
- Scottish shoplifter Aron Morrison was picked up after stealing a bottle of vodka from a liquor store. It didn’t take Sherlock Holmes to find Morrison, though. His name and phone number were left with the clerkóafter asking her out on a date.
- For a trio of drug thieves, it was their lucky day. They broke into a home in Silver Springs, Florida, and discovered three jars of cocaine. They took it home and snorted the contents. Thatís when they discovered that the jars were urns and that they were snorting the cremains of the victimís husband and two dogs.
- Recently, a woman in Fresno, California, was stopped at a DUI checkpoint for being drunk. Ever helpful, she offered up this info: ìMy husbandís right behind me, and heís even drunker than I am.î