This month’s fire safety tip comes from firefighter Allie Bryne. When asked why she became a firefighter, Bryne replied that it seemed like fun. She said she knew from the first day of the academy that firefighting would be her life’s work. It is always exciting and you never know what adventure is next.Bryne has a one-month-old son who takes up most of her off-duty time.December Fire Safety Tip: Be sure to check the batteries in smoke detectors and carbon dioxide detectors.Correction from Novemberís issue:In the caption for the ìuncouplingî ceremony, the names of the two participants were reversed. Nathan Hale is on the left and Joe Cosgrove is on the right.Stay connected with the Falcon Fire Protection DistrictWebsite: http://www.falconfirepd.orgFacebook: Falcon Fire DepartmentTwitter: