The Falcon Fire Protection District Board of Directors met on Wednesday, Nov 10. This article is written from the executive assistant’s notes of the meeting.Treasurer’s reportFire Chief Trent Harwig informed the board that as of the end of October, 83% of the fiscal year was over. He said that as of that date the general fund was at 97% of budgeted revenues and 70% of budgeted expenditures. The ambulance fund was at 85% of revenues and 67% of expenditures. The capital improvement fund had revenues of 88% of the budgeted amount and expenditures of 45%. There was no action in the rural water fundStaff reportsHarwig said he had received the lease for Fidelity Towers for the station 3 property. The board discussed extending the driveway beyond what Fidelity Towers was required to build and paying the difference to upgrade from asphalt to concrete.There were about 330 calls in October and 216 reserve standby hours.Harwig informed the board that the new station 3 was now occupied and the only thing lacking was a flagpole and lights. He said that since the district is a government entity, the county will not require a permit to build a sign for station 3.Emergency Medical Services Division Chief Jon Webb said there were 139 ambulance transports in October. He said lately there has been quite a few elderly COVID-19 cases.The remodeling of the old station 3 into an administration building will begin Dec. 6Board President Tom Kerby reported on his meeting with representatives of the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office and the El Paso County Department of Transportation regarding the station 1 property, which will be the site of a sheriffís substation. Land Development Consultants were hired to draw up plans for the building. Attorney Jane Fritsche advised that any legal fees incurred by the district for the sheriff’s office substation will be reimbursed by the county.Fritsche also informed the board that a draft of the member handbook was ready for the chief’s review.Pension fundThe pension board reviewed and approved reports for the fourth quarter of 2020 and the first three quarters of 2021. They also voted to increase the district’s annual contribution to the pension fund from $47,000 to $51,000