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Letters to the Editor

Saddened by Don’s Demise

I was saddened to read about the demise of Don’s Garden Shop in the last issue of the New Falcon Herald because of some zone czar from Colorado Springs. This enforcer has taken from Falcon a viable business that was pleasant to look at with all its lawn ornaments and given us a barren lot with a small veggie stand. Thank you, county planning, for the improvement to our community. The zoning could be changed by spending many thousands of dollars so Don’s could remain. To the county this is not a problem; when they need money they raise the sales tax. It is so nice to have big brother from the big city tell us what is best for our country folk.Speaking of the big city, Colorado Springs sure would like to get a piece of the sales tax pie from Falcon area businesses. All Colorado Springs has to do is throw some nice incentives to Wal-Mart and Safeway and they will be petitioning Colorado Springs to be annexed in. The Falcon area will pay the tax, but will not have a say how it will be spent.Concerned Falcon business ownerEditor’s note: The above letter to the editor was signed, but the business owner requested the name be withheld for fear of retribution by county government.

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