You are invited to attend a public meeting to hear a presentation and discuss the possibility of developing the property at the southeast corner of North Carefree Circle and Peterson Road with a Kum & Go convenience store with gas together with other commercial uses including retail and fast food restaurants (City File No. AR CP 11-00645). The property consists of 5.7 acres and is zoned PBC/AO (Planned Business Center with Airport Overlay). Representatives for the project and the City will attend the meeting. You are encouraged to share this notice with your neighbors.Meeting date and time: Wednesday, February 1, 2012 at 5:30 PMMeeting location: Sand Creek High School Commons, 7005 North Carefree CircleIf you have questions contact the following City staff member: Steve Tuck, Senior Planner, phone number: 719-385-5366, email: