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Letters to the Editor

Propaganda burns me up

Dear Editor,It burns me up every time I see Amy Lathen’s propaganda in your paper. I hope she’s paying for these ads to spew the Republican right-wing, hate-mongering agenda. Where was this talk about government tyranny the eight years your party lied in order to take my tax money and spend billions a day on killing people and throwing us into the economic spiral we’re in today, Amy? Why is it that your party is so willing to spend trillions on wars but not on reforming social programs that can help our citizens rebuild our country? Remember the New Deal? Remember VA loans for homes and education? Or perhaps Social Security, roads, national parks, etc.? Sure reform is in order, but this country was rebuilt with the government’s help. Thank Reagan for the deregulation policies that took away the power of the government to act on behalf of all citizens not just the rich. Democrats don’t want the government in our business any more than Republicans. Unfortunately, we see what happens without some watchdog effort on the part of our government. We end up where we are today – in a hole that is going to take our combined effort to dig ourselves out of. But with your Marxist, Communistic, this current Socialistic government rhetoric, you are not helping to bring about what you claim to want for our country. Why don’t you try working with the agenda instead of working against it?Using the Communist/Socialist scare tactics worked well during the McCarthy era but I hope people are intelligent enough now that they get what your party’s agenda is about. And that is to use all the fright buzzwords to bring about what your Republican leaders are referring to as President Obama’s Waterloo. Sounds like the same people who spent millions of taxpayer money to bring down the Clintons (not successfully, I might add), are using similar tactics to bring about Obama’s “Waterloo.” Trying to make him fail is not why you were elected.Jill SpangenbergFalcon

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