Tina is a wonderful lap dog and loves attention. She would be best in a home with no more than one other small dog. She is house trained and walks well on a leash. Tina still needs help with socialization. She was rescued from a place that had many dogs and was never given attention. Tina will trust, but her trust seems to change from day to day. Tina is not a nipper and really is sweet but will hide from you in the house if you let her. She loves attention, but we don’t think that she really knows yet how to handle it when you give her the attention. Tina will need a very patient, loving person to handle her. She is not wild but may run away from you if she is not on a leash or fenced in a yard. We think Tina is part Poodle/Schnauzer and is about 2 or 3 years old.If you are interested in adopting Tina into your heart and home please call SAINT Animal Rescue in Calhan. Our phone number is 719-541-3099.It is always a challenge when adopting a new pet. SAINT Animal Rescue asks the adopter to give the animal a reasonable amount of time to adjust to its new family and environment. This is important to your new family member as well as your existing family members. Visit our Web site at saintanimalrescue.org, and as always thank you for caring.