We think he is a schnauzer and rat terrier mix. Buster is about 4 months old and up-to-date on all his shots. He is full of energy and loves to play. Buster loves people and other dogs. Right now Buster is about the size of a cat. He will need some training with cats because Buster thinks he can play as rough with them as he does with other dogs. Buster was given back to SAINT because his previous owners said he played too rough with their baby. He should go to an adoptive family that might have small dogs and older children. Buster also has very quiet moments. He does take time out from play to lie on the couch. He’d prefer you to be on the couch with him, though. Buster is also a very fast little pooch. He does well on the leash but he should never be staked outside. Buster is going to need a very safe and fenced in backyard to play.If you are interested in adopting Buster into your heart and home, please call SAINT Animal Rescue in Calhan. Our phone number is 719-541-3099.It is always a challenge when adopting a new pet. SAINT Animal Rescue asks the adopter to give the animal a reasonable amount of time to adjust to its new family and environment. This is important to your new family member as well as your existing family members. Please visit our Web site at saintanimalrescue.org, and as always thank you for caring.