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Letters to the Editor

More on the Center for Consumer Freedom

Definition of hedonism: the self indulgent pursuit of pleasure as a way of life. This suits to a T the Center for Consumer Freedom, a coalition of self-centered folks whose code is “the right of adults to choose what they eat, drink and how they enjoy themselves.î Marylou Doehrman wrote an upfront rebuttal of CDF’s nonsense code, but in my mind, she was far too lady like.These greedy CCF members need to know that it is not OK to eat the cupboards bare, drink the taverns dry and put their pleasures ahead of the basic requirements of our nation. I’m not saying CCF folks are obese or drunks, but they want the right to be. They remind me of the gun folks who believe they have the right to own as many of any kind of weapon they choose.The CCF member who said, “Obesity is not affecting others” is wrong. Obesity affects health care costs. And itís obvious how too much alcohol affects us.One person’s enjoyment could be another’s misery: Driving too fast may cause an accident, for example. Is the CCF against Uncle Sam for the governmentís concern for the masses? CCF calls it ìnannyism,î which amuses me because when natural and man-made disasters strike, when law and order isn’t available, when clean air and water vanishes, these do-it-alone toughies demand ìnannyism.îLife must be good for people whose major concern is having freedom to eat, drink and be merry at any expense. Millions of people worldwide wish for those kinds of problems.I wish the folks at the Center of Consumer Freedom well, but lighten up. No one will take your enjoyment away. I assure you there are many more things to be concerned about. Just ask a parent of a GI in Iraq!Phil KennyColorado Springs

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