My transition from candidate to legislator has involved a whirlwind of activity including an intensive legislative orientation and training program, meeting with numerous individuals, groups and organizations regarding their concerns and visions for Colorado and the practical matter of finding a place to stay in Denver for the next five months.I will sit on the House Local Government Committee, where I am honored to serve in a leadership position as Ranking Republican. As a member of this committee, we will address issues that impact the operation of Coloradoís cities, towns, counties, special districts and townships.I am proud to serve as El Paso Countyís first female member of the House Agriculture, Livestock and Natural Resources, which addresses issues of major concern to much of HD 19.My family owns a ranch that is located in the Denver Water Basin, one of the largest freshwater basins in the world. As a member of the Upper Black Squirrel and the Upper Big Sandy Ground Water districts, I will work to protect this resource and the peopleís access to clean, fresh water.Not all problems require legislative solutions, and the horrible situation regarding neglected animals in eastern El Paso County highlighted the dilemma of having no organized system to address animal welfare issues in the eastern plains, particularly for livestock. I have been working with the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region, the state veterinarian and county officials to secure these services for our rural areas.I toured Ft. Carson and became more aware of the issues facing that facility.I have also continued to work with Bentley Rayburn and his coalition, which is attempting to establish a Veteranís Cemetery in El Paso County.Our constitutionally guaranteed private property rights are the foundation of a free society, and I will continue to fight to protect them and oppose the unwarranted intrusion of the Super Slab!However, our legitimate transportation needs also require attention and funding.In order to continue the dialog started during the campaign, I am hosting Saturday morning breakfast meetings throughout the district to give you the opportunity to share your concerns, hear what is going on at the Legislature and voice your opinion on issues of importance for the Calhan, Falcon, Widefield, Security and Fountain areas.Please join me from 8 a.m. to 10 Feb. 17 at Espresso at Stratfords in Falcon.I also invite you to my town hall meetings. Topics will include Super Slab, water, property rights, the VA cemetery, department of corrections and more: Jan. 18 at 7 p.m. at Calhan High School (cafeteria).Thank you for the privilege and honor of representing our diverse and growing district. Please contact me anytime and visit my Web site for regular updates. I look forward to hearing your comments and feedback.State Representative Marsha Looper303-866-2946 State Office719-238-5600 Cell PhoneWWW.GOMARSHA.ORG