French moralist and essayist Joseph Joubert said, ìBe charitable and indulgent to everyone but thyself.î Joubertís words are food for thought, especially when it seems that people are wrapped up with their own busy schedules. Although people might have less time to volunteer for charitable organizations, many are still willing to make donations ñ even in a tough economy. According to, the most recent statistics show that contributions to charitable organizations in 2010 totaled almost $291 billion, up about 4 percent from the previous year.Financial analysts correlate the rise in charitable contributions to an upswing in the stock market.ìAnonymous Givingî week begins March 20, so this monthís Streetwise question to four people: ìIf you could give either your time or your money or both, which charity or organization would you choose to donate to and why?î
Angel Sarafin FalconAlthough it wouldnít be anonymous, I would love to volunteer my time at several organizations. First, I would like to do something with the elderly. A lot of them are alone and are just looking for someone to talk to or to play games with them. I would also like to volunteer at a police station doing clerical work like typing notes into reports. That kind of stuff just takes a lot of time, and I would love to just give them (police officers) a break. Lastly, I would like to help out in a neonatal ward and maybe rock or hold a baby to give the nurses a break. | ![]() |
![]() | Rita Ivancik PeytonIf I had time to support a charity, it would be ProLife. And the reason I chose that charity is because I feel it is important to educate people on how important and precious life is. |
Laura Kana MonumentMy favorite organization is Heifer International. It is an organization that gives different types of animals to families all over the world so they can grow and prosper. You can donate money; and, depending on the amount, a family can receive a cow, a goat or a flock of chickens. Iíve even seen where if enough money is given, a community can receive an entire ark of animals. Iím very passionate about animals and my family donates money to this organization. I just think it is really cool. | ![]() |
![]() | Carol Ann Lopez Black ForestOur family is currently volunteering our time and our resources to Canine Companions for Independence. My husband and I chose this organization because raising a puppy to be a service dog teaches our children a responsibility greater than themselves and is also a way to give back to the community. It can provide a trusted companion for disabled veterans as well as civilians. |