Hydro-Gardens, located off Vollmer Road in Black Forest, has been serving commercial greenhouses and growers since 1972, specializing in plant nourishment through hydroponics ñ or nutrient solutions. Although their business is mainly wholesale, the public is welcome.Greg Morton has worked at Hydro-Gardens for 17 years, and he said hydroponics is simply ìcontrolling the feed to your plants; so if you use Miracle Grow, you are practicing hydroponics.î Merriam-Webster defines hydroponics as ìthe growing of plants in nutrient solutions, with or without an inert medium (as soil) to provide mechanical support.îMorton said a greenhouse can also be part of that mechanical support. With a greenhouse, the environment is controlled. ìYou maximize your light and temperature, as opposed to letting Mother Nature do it all,î Morton said.Typical greenhouse costs can vary, but Morton said expect to spend about $1,200 to get started. ìWe have a 6 foot by 8 foot for $799,î he said. ìThat doesnít include the irrigation system or fans you would want, which run about another $500.îBesides greenhouses and planting supplies, Hydro-Gardens researches and develops soil blends, fertilizers and beneficial insects. ìWe rear a white fly predator,î Morton said. ìItís used mostly in hydro-gardens and for field crops.î They also tests soils for nutrient type and content.Home growers can purchase a ìbug pack,î which includes bugs like a praying mantis and ladybugs that Hydro-Garden grows for gardens. ìI had an aphid problem on my bushes; I brought home some ladybugs, and they totally got rid of them,î Morton said.He said they are open to the public but they donít have a showroom. Morton suggested that people call before they visit or check out their online catalogue. ìWe are one of the largest companies in the country that supplies to other commercial greenhouses and nurseries, and that is where our focus is,î Morton said.For more information on products or questions on hydro-gardening, contact them at 1-888-693-0578 or visit http://hydro-gardens.com.