In the interest of child abuse prevention, the Exchange Club has installed a sign west of the Falcon Wal-Mart. The goal of the sign is to thwart domestic violence. ìThe hope is that a distraught person driving home from a stressful day will see the sign and not take it out on one of the kids,î said Ursula Miller, chairwoman of the child abuse prevention program of the Exchange Club. Cignet Land Co. donated the space for the sign.The community service committee, chaired by Leonore Misner, has also donated business attire, dress shoes and jewelry to Colorado Springsí TESSA, an organization offering assistance to women in abusive situations.Call Exchange Club President Bob Miller at 641-0752 for more information. Meetings are held the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Golden Corral on Woodmen Road at Powers Boulevard.