For the Funk family of Ellicott, as for many 4-H families around the county, preparing for the El Paso County Fair is an annual happening.The children of Richard and Caren Funk have had entries of one type or another in the fair for the past five years. Oldest daughter Erin, now 16 years old, has won prizes for artwork, rabbits and goats.This year, Dylan (12), Jami (10) and Shai (8) are preparing 4-H animals for the competition. The children must keep accurate records of all expenses involved in keeping the animal for the year. Before the fair, the animals must be bathed and groomed.This is Shai’s first year to show an animal. She’s preparing to show a goat named Spice Tea. She chose Spice because the goat behaves and likes people. To show Spice, Shai must lead the goat into a ring and have her stand straight and still. Shai said she and Spice will be nervous. Shai’s favorite part of raising goats is when the babies are born, “especially if they like you, then they start following you around.”Jami has shown rabbits and poultry, but she likes showing goats best. This year she’ll be showing three goats, each in different divisions. Goat divisions are based on the age of the goat and the purpose for which the goat is raised. Jami will show Andalusion in the junior dairy division, Dingo in the senior dairy division and Peanut Butter in the market division. Jami’s favorite part of the fair is showing the goats in the ring, but she said it’s rough if they misbehave.Dylan can attest to that. His first year in 4-H he was waiting for his turn in the ring to show a goat named Scream. “The loudspeakers went off,” he said. “Scream jumped and ran. That goat dragged me across the parking lot and tore holes in both my knees.”This year, Dylan is showing ducks, an exotic breed called chocolate runners. He enjoys the fair for many reasons, and he likes the fairgrounds barn clean-up day a week or so before the fair. His favorite part of fair preparation is spending time with the animals. “There’s a lot you have to do,” Dylan said. “You have to clean them, care for them, and tell them what’s going to happen to them at the fair. I tell them, “It’s going to be noisy. People will stare at you. You’ll be in a little cage.”And then, as if to sum up all the hard work 4-Hers put into their animals, Dylan said, “Basically, you have to love ’em year round, 24/7.”