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Incorporation vote postponed

Falcon’s fate as an incorporated city won’t be decided this November.The Falcon Exploratory Incorporation Committee has decided to postpone the November vote until the April elections. The decision gives the FEIC more time to inform the public, said Lynne Bliss, the FEIC spokesperson.”The focus for the next few months will be to figure out how to get the word out,” she said. Although the incorporation efforts have been written about locally and featured on the nightly news, Bliss said, “The word really wasn’t out enough.”To increase public awareness, the FEIC has developed committees that will take a more formal approach to incorporating Falcon. Those committees include a charter and constitution committee that will outline the basis for incorporation; a budget committee to assess expenditures and sources of income; a boundary committee to determine boundary lines for the proposed city of Falcon; an administration committee to address structure and staffing issues for city employees; and a ways and means committee, which will promote fundraising efforts for funneling information to the public.Bliss said some committees will work together. The administration and budget committees will both address staffing issues.She is hopeful the new committees will “put us on track to get answers to the people.”The efforts have been frustrating, Bliss said, because some community members indicated they had not received adequate information about the incorporation process. “In the past, people have asked, “Why haven’t we heard about this before?” Bliss said. “We’re hoping if, on a regular basis people get information, it will create some buzz and they will make an effort to seek out the information.”The FEIC distributed surveys regarding a Falcon incorporation at the June Falcon Festival. Responses were mixed, Bliss said. Most of the respondents indicated the need for more information before they could make a decision.The FEIC would like to raise money to print posters detailing the incorporation process and send a direct-mail piece to residents. Bliss said the information printed in newspapers and seen on television has obviously not reached a large portion of the population.Thomas Cline, FEIC moderator, hopes public meetings will heighten awareness of the incorporation issue. Although no public meetings have been scheduled, Cline said he hopes there will be more public meetings in the near future.Cline, who also is the president of the Falcon Professional Development League, said he joined the FEIC efforts in July to “see if I could help out.””The reason for it (incorporation), mainly, is to have better control over what happens in the area.”

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