A reporter once said to me that he thought the newspaper business spawned his cynical outlook on life.
According to the Oxford dictionary, cynicism is defined as 1.“An inclination to be-lieve that people are motivated purely by self-interest; skepticism. 2. An inclination to question whether something will happen or whether it is worthwhile; pessimism.”
Reporters often get caught up in politics, bureaucracies and corporate red tape. It is frustrating when they don’t get answers or the answers are inadequate or blam-ing the other guy (see article on Falcon Highlands, Pg. 4). Also, it is a never-ending problem in this day and age that people just don’t respond to calls or emails. I am learning that often you get better responses with texting, but when someone like one of our writers is calling the government (for example, a public relations de-partment) or a corporation, there just isn’t enough contact information to text.
When it benefits them, people will often be responsive, i.e., a person seeking pub-licity for a business or event (self-interest) or a political candidate who needs expo-sure. We do try to get to the core of issues, and we will continue to “bother people.” If any of you can, take some time to bother them as well.
Perhaps cynicism is good; after all, it’s a reality check — and reporters have to re-main attuned to the truths of the times, even if it does cause world-weariness.
And on a more positive note, there is a lot going on in Falcon, and we are covering it, with optimism! A Veterans of Foreign Wars post is coming to Falcon (everything is in the works), and the leaders behind the effort to bring that post to the area have big plans and a vast vision that could benefit the entire town. It will be more than a post; the goal is a community center that can bring businesses, nonprofits and residents together to create that much-needed sense of community in Falcon.
Also, Friends of Falcon is a 501(c)(3) organization just formally launched in Falcon with its first public meeting in September. Their goal is to promote the Falcon area and help preserve its character and identity by keeping an eye on development and the county and engaging residents to get involved. They are also researching ways to bring new businesses to Falcon. Friends of Falcon is another avenue to generate that sense of community in Falcon. They are trying to build an email list so check them out and jump on board. Story on front page.
We will be bringing you updates every month on the progress of both the VFW and Friends of Falcon.
Last, but certainly not least, please read our front page article on organizing sen-iors in Falcon. The area comprises many seniors who have been active in the community for years. Their wisdom and experience is vital to a community, and we want them to continue to be a force in Falcon. Organizations can’t thrive unless new people come forward to take the reins. Please encourage your older adult friends and family to get involved and get to know some wonderful Falcon residents.
Fall is here; the aspens are glistening and gold! It’s a great time of the year.
Have a happy and safe Halloween.
See you in November,