For a relatively short month (except it is leap year), there is a lot going on in February. There’s Valentine’s Day (14th), Groundhog Day (2nd), Presidents’ Day (17th) and lest we forget, National Banana Bread Day (Feb. 24). February is also Black History Month and American Heart Month and — National Snack Food Month.
Many of those February month-long celebrations are designated by our federal government but who makes up the other stuff like National Banana Bread Day? To my surprise, the government is involved in those recognitions as well, such as President Ronald Reagan who designated National Catfish Day (June 25).
I haven’t heard much lately about any president or legislator recognizing a certain food or other American cultural phenomenon but then again, if they even tried, the Democrats and Republicans would never agree on it. In a quick search, I wasn’t able to find a food that hasn’t already had a “day.” So, the powers-that-be have at least been busy over the years doing something.
For other interesting February celebrations and information on leap year, be sure to read Mark Stoller’s column on Pg.
Since Valentine’s Day (Pope Gelasius came up with that one at the end of the fifth century) is around the corner, Erin Malcolm talked to a few retailers in the area about their Feb. 14 specials for couples and singles. From dining out to creating a romantic ambiance in your home, check out Pg.
For American Heart Month, Erin wrote an article on heart health, with some clarifications and differences between heart attacks and cardiac arrests — and more. That’s on Pg. along with an article from El Paso Public Health defining RSV, a snowballing illness mimicking the cold and flu, but in some cases, deadlier.
For Black History Month, check out the Colorado Springs Pioneer Museum for stories and exhibits about Colorado’s rich black history:
Thousands of African-American citizens moved to the West following the Civil War to flee those states that remained racist. “For many, westward migration … was the first time that moving would be a choice, instead of a command, and a celebration of autonomy.” Visit
Last but not least, I want to welcome Jon Huang to our NFH team. Jon is going to be covering the Falcon Fire Protection District and more; however, he has already enhanced his coverage of FFPD by participating in a ride-a-long. We’ll be hearing more from Jon about that experience, along with other great ideas he has for featuring the fire department and the community in general.
I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day and whatever other day you decide to celebrate (your choices are obviously plentiful). I’m leaning toward National Pizza Day on Feb. 9!
See you in March!
CORRECTION: In the January issue, “BOCC approves Falcon Highlands South, despite problems in Filing 1 by Marylou Bride (also our editor!), we referred to Carrie Geitner, El Paso County Board of County Commissioners, as Amy Geitner. The correct name is obviously Carrie Geitner; to the commissioner, please accept our sincere apology.