As I write this column, we are experiencing a heat wave of 22 degrees this afternoon (Feb. 24). Hopefully, the single-digit highs are gone forever, until next winter. Shorts weather is coming up with temperatures heading toward the 60s next week. Itís kind of comical the clothing habits of cold states vs. hot states. When itís in the 60s or even high 50s here, you frequently see shorts and T-shirts. And when itís 70 degrees in Florida, those residents start bringing out the boots and jackets.We have a few changes going on at the NFH. Weíre bringing in a new team of writers. Last month, I mentioned that Pete Gawda moved to Knoxville, Tennessee. This month, Timothy Page is leaving us for a full-time job in television media; itís a great job, so we fondly say good-bye, thanks for your time with us and good luck! Iíll mention the rest of the new writers next month, but this month we welcome Deb Risden to the writing team. Deb is no stranger to the NFH. She has been our bookkeeper for many years, and she served as editor once upon a time as well. Deb is going to be covering the D 49 board meetings and maybe more in the future.The Falcon Fire Protection District Board meetings will be covered by one of our new team members, and we are thinking about other ways besides ìsafety tipsî that we can introduce our firefighters to the community. If you have any ideas, please send them to marylou@kekotiledesigns.comIn this issue, there is a short introduction to the Falcon High School baseball team. Their season is upcoming and we will be covering it, thanks to Coach Brandon Stegman. We would like to encourage other coaches to contact us; we would be happy to cover other spring sports, too. Send Marylou an email at the above email address if you are interested. And, as weíve said before, parents ó we welcome photos of your kids in sports or any activities.Advertisers will have more online exposure through social media and email blasts. We have someone overseeing our Facebook page, and will use our email blasts a bit more often to get information on business and community events to our subscribers.On March 13, we change back to daylight saving time. Unfortunately, we lose an hour of sleep but we add an hour of daylight. However, I am not sure itís a fair trade.Finally, it is an unsettling world right now. I think I would be remiss if I didnít acknowledge what is happening in Ukraine. I think globally we will all be affected. My heart goes out to the innocent people caught in the middle of one manís greed and penchant for power.March 17 is a day to feel lucky, and I certainly do as a person living in the U.S.Happy St. Patrickís Day!See you in April!– Michelle
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