Has the world gone crazy? What happened to the simple times that many of us enjoyed when we were growing up. I grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska. My sister and I were always outside with every season, but we always came running when mom called us in for dinner. We could be halfway across the neighborhood, but we knew to listen for her, and sprint home. Life was simple; we were innocent and clueless.What has happened to camaraderie and concern for others? I do not remember when this country was so divided? Maybe the Civil War? When did people start brawling on airplanes? Congress is nothing but a wrestling match. There is absolutely no respect for different ideas and opposing thoughts. There is no compromise without dragging things on for months.When did it become OK to disregard others? People donít get back to our writers. Is it a sign of the times? Politicians seem to think we are a bother, which means thatís what they think of their constituents. I always return calls and emails ó our elected officials donít. Is being polite and courteous and voter friendly a thing of the past?Thank you to all the people who responded to our Facebook post about Grandview Reserve. We asked for your opinions on the new subdivision, and we had about 20 responses ó all were concerned about issues such as water, pollution, population, traffic, the impact on schools, etc. Be sure to read the articles by Pete Gawda and Leslie Sheley.Now, for some fun: We would like to invite you to send in photos of your kids participating in sports (check out the article about the costs of high school sports under Feature Stories) or any kind of activities, from school plays to a backyard game of baseball. Send in photos of anyone doing some sort of activity, from kids to grandma and grandpa. This is your community newspaper, and we need to see more of you. Send your photos to me at michelle@newfalconherald.com.Small Business Saturday is Nov. 27. Be sure to shop local to support our own business community. We have some ideas for you under Feature Stories.Happy Thanksgiving! And thank you to all the veterans as they are recognized on Nov. 11!See you in December!-Michelle