Here we are in February, the month of Valentine’s Day, the month of love ñ smack in the middle of winter. Not in to all that mushy love stuff? Still grousing and grinching over Christmas and all that gift-giving less than two short months ago? Well, take heart, because Valentineís Day doesn’t have to be about diamonds, chocolates and flowers. Well, maybe a few chocolates.Angie Morlan hit the streets this month to find out what folks think is the best Valentine’s Day gift. Apparently, it’s not all about spending money but also spending time with loved ones.Feb. 21 is President’s Day ñ a time to think about all the contributions of our leaders ñ past and present ñ no matter their party affiliation.Speaking of leading. The forces of change do not hibernate over the winter. Falcon School District 49 is facing its financial challenges head on with an announcement about their Innovation Initiative. The Board of Education has organized several community meetings, where people can ask questions and provide their input on the new changes. Natalie Gowen talked to a board member and principal about the innovation approach and wrote an article for this edition. She will continue to follow this story and address the unanswered questions. Kathy Wallace continues to cover the Falcon incorporation efforts. Her article and a few letters to the editor show strong feelings on both sides of the fence.We hope you enjoy the first installment of our fiction writing contest. We had some great entries to help kick off this contest, making it difficult to choose a winner. We are pleased to announce that Cayci Luiten won the honor of spinning the start of the tale that begins with this sentence: “It was a dark and dreary night in the sleepy town of Falcon. A town known for …” Thank you, Cayci, for giving us such a great start! We want to hear from those of you who can let your imagination run and write the next part of the story.Have a great February! March is just around the corner, so weíll see you soon.-Deb, Michelle and the NFH Team
From the NFH Team
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