As we usher in the year 2011, the NFH is starting its eighth year of reporting the news to the Falcon area. Allow us to reminisce a bit. The first issue was four pages printed on an 11″ x 17″ stock paper and folded. We called it “The New Falcon Herald … your monthly news brief.” The first issue included an introduction to the paper, School District 49 news, a story about the Falcon business community and a short blurb about the Tri-Lakes Health and Wellness Expo. It was mailed to everyone in the 80831 zip code area.The NFH was a hit from the get-go, so by the second issue in February 2004, there were 12 pages printed on newsprint. And the rest, as they say, is history.Much of our success has come from a staff of high quality, dedicated and committed writers. But the reason we can remain in existence is because of our advertisers. Frankie’s Too was our first and only advertiser in January 2004. They hadn’t opened their doors yet. Grace Community Church and Palmer Chiropractic began advertising with us in our second issue and are still with us. And, of course, we now have many advertisers that support this publication.If there is a seven-year itch in the newspaper business, then we must say ours is renewing our commitment and working to become even better. Sounds like a New Year’s resolution, doesn’t it?If your New Year’s resolution is to improve your health, you are not alone. Statistics show that nearly half of us make resolutions each year, and about half of those tend to be related to health and other self-improvement issues. This month’s NFH has useful health information for you: Kathy Wallace enlightens us on macular degeneration; David Corder shares some hints on losing weight over the year; Dr. Fran Palmer stresses the importance of chiropractic care in childhood; and the El Paso County Department of Health and Environment offers some tips for a healthier year. We’ve also taken on the health care issue in Black, White or Gray.While enjoying a brisk walk on that treadmill, let your imagination run wild and enter our new contest for imaginative writers. We can’t wait to see some of the writing talent in the community.We hope you are enjoying our new feature, Young Rising Stars. If you know of a child who is doing great things in the community, please write us at with your nomination. We want to hear from you.Thank you to our readers and advertisers for another successful year at the NFH. And Happy 2011- may this be a blessed and prosperous year for each and every one of you!– Deb, Michelle and the NFH Team