Crisp, cool nights, warm days and leaves turning gold are telling us that fall is here. Before you know it, we’ll be passing out candy to the little ghouls and goblins that come knocking at our doors on Halloween, pulling together our favorite family Thanksgiving recipes and starting holiday shopping. Ready?As I sit here watching those leaves turn out my window, I’m waiting for the phone to ring and be summoned to a Denver hospital for the birth of my niece and her husband’s second baby. I’ve been given the honor of co-coaching the birth and am nearly beside myself with excitement and anticipation.Before I rush off, the team would like me to pass along some information. A selection of NFH writer Angie Morlan’s photos will be on display at the new High Prairie Library during the month of November. Be sure to catch the much anticipated grand opening of the new facility Oct. 16.We hope you are having a little fun with our new I Spy in Falcon contest. We’re receiving lots of good guesses, and our winners have been enjoying great meals at LaMission. If you have an interesting photo that might make a good contest photo, please send it to us at the coming months, the NFH will be featuring “kids doing good” in the Falcon area. Do you know a child of any age who is involved, engaged and a shining star in the community? If so, send us your nomination and a little background information to our ever-changing world, we are faced with major issues and having to evaluate them and make decisions affecting our own lives, our community, our country and in many cases the world. The NFH is taking on some of these topics and exploring their many facets. This month, Marylou Doehrman delves into immigration. Do you have a national topic you’d like to see us explore in depth? Let us know at deb@newfalconherald.comThe next NFH will be out Nov. 6, so we’ll remind you now to be sure to get out and vote Nov. 2. First, read Kathy Wallace’s article about some very important measures you will see on the ballot. If passed, some of these propositions and amendments will have a significant impact not only on schools but also on services we take for granted every day. The ripple effect is enough to give one pause.Last, but definitely not least, we are pleased to announce that our own Natalie Gowen has just become mom to her third boy, Max Gowen (see cute photo below). Natalie, husband Joseph and family are doing well and adjusting nicely to their new addition. Congratulations, Natalie!Enjoy the fall, and we’ll see you in November!Deb, Michelle and the NFH team
From the NFH Team
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