Somehow, we managed to get through the whirlwind of August, and now the kids are back in school, our routines are back in place and our lives feel back to normal. There is such comfort in routine and having things stay the same.But, nothing ever stays the same, and for us in the newspaper business, we’re all about finding out what is changing and reporting it. We are constantly reminded of how things never stay the same.This month, you will read about possible changes at Fox Run Park, a medical marijuana dispensary opening in Falcon, and new owners for some established businesses. Change indeed.If you have skimmed ahead to “Letters to the Editor,” you already know that change is hitting The New Falcon Herald. Kathy Hare, reporter and columnist, is moving on to devote more time to her unfinished projects – most of those involving writing.It is hard for us to sum up exactly how we feel about Kathy and the contributions she has made to the NFH. Hired as one of the NFH writers soon after its inception, Kathy has been instrumental in making the NFH what it is today. She did whatever was needed with heart, skill and integrity.Marylou Doehrman, now the contributing editor of the NFH, hired Kathy Hare, and this is what she had to say about her.”I think good writers have great instincts and an innate sense of what and how to communicate with readers. Kathy Hare is that writer. Whether it is an investigative article, a book review or an opinion piece, Kathy has an uncanny ability to put words to paper. She is intelligent, witty, thoughtful, curious, creative, trustworthy – and a prolific writer. When it comes to editorials, I believe Kathy is every bit as good as any syndicated columnist out there. As an editor and friend, it was an honor and privilege to work with her.”From this editor, although I may not always agree with her, Kathy makes me think hard about an issue, forcing me to look at it in a different way. That is her gift. She makes me laugh from time to time – at myself and at some of the things happening around us that become so serious. She also made me cringe a time or two.Many readers would tell us they never read a book review until they read one of Kathy’s. She has that knack of getting the reader to grab the car keys and run off to the library or book store without hesitation. Borrowing from the marketing industry, Kathy’s writing is a “call to action.”Kathy will be sorely missed by all of us at the NFH and her readers. We cannot replace her, so we’ll be coming up with something new and different to fill her space.And, Kathy, would you please get caught up on those projects quickly and come back to the NFH?-Deb, Michelle and the NFH team