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Food drive a joint effort

A Falcon area food drive, sponsored by local Girl Scout troops and Meridian Ranch Elementary School, raised needed items for local families. Girl Scout Troop 1195 (Daisies) and 1229 (Brownies) kicked off November by decorating and placing food donation boxes at the Falcon Wal-Mart. From Nov.1 to Dec. 1 the food boxes brought in 254 pounds of food.The MRES food drive ran simultaneously and brought in 1,290 pounds, along with three boxes of coats, scarves and hats. Boxes were placed in 27 classrooms, and the winning class chose an ice cream or pizza party as its reward. Mrs. Boise’s third grade class won, with an extra special effort coming from student Noah Gonzalez. Boise credits the majority of the food brought in to Noah’s efforts, which included flyers to hand out to neighbors and taking to the streets with his wagon in tow to gather donations. He also approached the Falcon Safeway store and Sam’s Club to request donations. His class ended the food drive with 400 pounds of food and donations.”I have a friend, Kathy, and she lost her grandmother. Her aunt and cousin lost their house. They are needy and I just wanted to help people like that. I was doing it for the whole world because there are so many that are starving,” Noah said.On Nov. 16, local Girl Scout troops hosted a skating party at Skate City for Service Unit 13, which includes more than 40 troops in the Colorado Springs area. Each skater donated two cans of food or a non-perishable item. The 237 skaters donated about 300 pounds of foodThe MRES Girl Scout troops involved with the food drive were Daisy Troops 1195 and 3080 (kindergarten and first grade), Brownie Troop 1229 (first through third grade), and Junior Troops 3078, 343 and 450 (third through fifth grade).

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