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FFPD board decision causes contention

In a Sept. 30 Falcon Fire Protection District board meeting, the board of directors voted 3-0 to place Deputy Chief Jeff Petersma on paid administrative leave through Oct. 6.Board member Mike Collins declined to vote on the motion.The board also placed Cory Galicia, captain of the volunteers, on administrative leave through Oct. 6 by a vote of 4-0.The reason for the decisions was not disclosed.”It’s a confidential personnel matter,” said the district’s attorney, Dino Ross. He cautioned Petersma and Galicia not to discuss the reasons, as doing so “would be a violation of district policy.”After announcement of the decisions, audience members present at the meeting spoke. Their comments indicate the disciplinary actions stemmed from an Equal Employment Opportunity complaint filed by a firefighter who failed the physical fitness test that is part of the district’s policy manual.”Dino, I lay this onto you,” said Bud Kucera. “You’ve reviewed that manual at least twice before this came up, and you said it was fine. We pay you hard money to make sure we don’t make these mistakes,” he said.”I disagree with your assumption,” Ross said. “As general counsel, we review it.”Terry Reed said he had questions for the board “concerning why people are allowed to be supervised by somebody or have a family member supervised by somebody, and then be allowed to vote and take action against those people.””I believe you should have recused yourself,” Reed said.Board member Dena Bramhall said in the past, board members have previously been volunteers.”They’ve taken action many times. Some of them are actually sitting in this audience, and there has never been a problem with that. Why is there a problem now?” she asked.Bramhall commented that it might not be possible for everyone to be heard due to time constraints, which caused many in the crowd to erupt into anger.”You guys can’t follow your board by-laws,” shouted one woman.”We are following the board by-laws. You will be arrested if you continue,” Bramhall responded.As the board voted to adjourn, the woman said, “You cannot not listen to me as a citizen of this community!””The wheels are in motion, board. You can run, but you can’t hide!” one man shouted as others threatened a campaign to recall the board.

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