When you hear of baton twirling, it often conjures up images of majorettes in boots and band uniforms, but Colorado Springs is giving baton twirling a new image. The Pikes Peak Twirlers is a baton team nestled in Falcon, and they are showing that baton twirling is a contemporary sport incorporating twirl, dance and gymnastics. The Pikes Peak Twirlers is the fulfillment of a long-time vision for Coach Krissy Andersen, who was a competitive twirler throughout her life. She is a registered coach and judge with the United States Twirling Association and is gifted with incredible choreography creativity. She dreamed of introducing young ladies to this inspiring sport, and Colorado Springs is benefiting from this dream.The team travels to Denver to compete in Coloradoís USTA program. Not only does the team perform together in various team events, the girls also compete in the individual events of marching, modeling, solo and compulsories. They work hard to meet the high standards of the USTA, which encourages the girls to develop correct twirling skills ñ and encourages development of integrity, character and sportsmanship as well. Last year, the team earned the title of state champion in their division.The Pikes Peak Twirlers perform in exhibitions around town. They marched in the Parade of Lights in December and performed at the Chapel Hills Mall one day later. During the Christmas season, they performed at several nursing homes in the area, bringing joy to residents.They performed at Meridian Ranch Elementaryís Start the Arts night in February.Contact Krissy Andersen at bkandersen@hotmail.com to request the Twirlers to perform at an event or for more information about upcoming clinics and classes.