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Falcon yoga bending people into shape

Denise Widner’s Falcon Yoga studio in the Shops at Woodmen Hills complex has been steadily growing since it opened in early September. The studio offers classes and yoga styles to fit almost any age and any experience level. Widner’s focus on yoga for chronic illnesses, especially cancer, is a personal and compelling motivation for her.The community’s reception and support for the new studio has spawned growth. ìIt’s been going really well, and I’m pleased with the response I’ve gotten from the community,î Widner said. ìThere’s so many people who are happy to finally have their own studio without going into town. We’ve had a pretty steady stream since opening in September.îYoga and the Eastern El Paso County community have been part of Widner’s personal history for years. ìI grew up in Rush, and used to compete against Falcon High School,î Widner said. ìI raised my daughter here, and she graduated from Falcon High School. It’s a pretty small world with these small communities. I feel really excited that I can bring this to my community where I grew up because it’s needed out here.îWidner has been practicing yoga since 1998, and received her first teaching certification in 2007. Her personal passion is helping clients with chronic illnesses gain the health benefits of yoga. ìMy husband passed away from cancer, so I’ve dedicated the last few years since then to reaching out to people with illnesses and teaching yoga for healing and yoga for therapy,î she said.Potential yoga first-timers might have only seen yoga on sitcoms or insurance commercials. Misconceptions about yoga could keep people from trying a class, and Falcon Yoga’s practice is designed to alleviate those fears. ì I was scared to death at my first yoga class because I couldn’t touch my toes and expected to find a bunch of hippy yogis,î Widner said. ìJust know that there are other people who are also nervous, and everyone was a beginner. If you start in a beginner or general class, you’ll find yourself right at home.îEach of the instructors are trained to help modify poses to make yoga accessible for everyone from coach potatoes to professional athletes, Widner said. ìYou don’t have to strive for pretzel-like perfection,î she said. ìShow up as you are.îFalcon Yoga offers monthly specials, ìpay what you canî donation days and free first-time classes. For more information about the studio, visit or call 719-271-0944.

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