Youth of the MonthThe exchange Club awarded their Youth of the Month earlier this year to Jessica Banks in January and Shonn McCullough in February. Banks is a senior at Patriot Learning Center, a member of the National Honor Society 2009-2011 and on the Principalís List and Honor Roll. She holds a 3.95 GPA and is second in her class of 44. Banks has actively volunteered for events such as the Veteranís Breakfast, Soup Kitchen committee, Easter Egg Hunt and Elementary Craft Day. She also teaches vacation Bible school at the Team of the Rockies Eucharistic Christ. She enjoys art and is considering teaching art therapy as a career.McCullough is a Calhan High School senior, also ranked second out of his class of 42 with a GPA of 4.024. He is a National Honor Society member and in honors band. He is a leader in student council and Boy Scouts. McCullough finds time to volunteer for People to People, Nine Lives Rescue, Venture Crew and Salvation Army. He would like to attend Yale and is interested in the legal profession.The Exchange Club awards their Youth of the Month for academic excellence and social responsibility. Each winner competes at the district level by writing an essay on a predetermined topic. The winner at the district level competes nationally for $10,000 to be used for education.