Paige Queen was honored as February Youth of the Month by the Exchange Club of Falcon. Paige ranks 10th in her class of 286 and has a 4.05 GPA. Her field of study is environmental engineering. Paige has received honors in the Kitty Hawk Air Society and Order of Military World Wars and was invited to speak at the Military Child Education Coalition National Conference. She also received a U.S. Air Force Association Award. Paige has held leadership positions as a Group Commander CO-20031, AFJ ROTC; Student-to-Student, a senior mentor and captain of the varsity volleyball team. Paige has also been involved with club volleyball. She is a math tutor and vacation Bible school music teacher. Paige won the award because she is an exceptional student who has given far more time for the betterment of others than she has for herself. Paige was presented with a plaque and a monetary check by Joe Bauer, chairman of the youth committee.For more information concerning the Exchange Club of Falcon, contact Bob Miller at 719-641-0752 or Joe Bauer at 719-262-9222.