Walmart shares Christmas spiritAt the Dec. 8 meeting, the spirit of Christmas touched the Exchange Club of Falcon in abundance. Jarrod Selenke, manager of the Falcon Walmart, came bearing ìgifts of great joy.î He presented Exchange Club President Bob Miller a check for $10,000! A number of Walmart stores in the Colorado Springs area contributed to the grant. Jarrod complimented the Exchange Club on its vast involvement in the community, and for helping local American vets. The funding will go to purchase child car seats for several local foster agencies and for the El Paso County Sheriffís Department, with the remainder going to other worthwhile organizations. Exchange Club meetings are held every second and fourth Tuesday at the Stetson Hills IHOP at 6:30 p.m. Come see what the club is all about.November Youth of the MonthOn Dec. 8, the Exchange Club of Falcon named Renee Doran, a senior at Ellicott High School, the Youth of the Month for November. With a GPA of 4.285, Renee ranks second in her class. Renee has demonstrated extraordinary leadership abilities in several venues. She achieved a ìletterî for her four years in Matchwits, and was also the captain. Renee enjoys organizing and performing in plays in the drama department, and is an officer of SeaPerch, the engineering club, and president of the student council. She is the editor of the school newspaper and also volunteers for Care and Share and Shriever Teens Helping Kids. Going above and beyond, Renee also took on (without direction to do so) the yearbook editor position after the untimely death of the teacher who had been the editor. Rebecca Howland, the school counselor, said Renee took on the responsibility of yearbook editor, despite her own grief dealing with the death of her teacher. Renee will study marine biology at Oregon State University.Angels visit vetsThanks to the generosity of many people, the Angel Tree Program for Vets, in its second year, was again successful. The Exchange Club of Falcon collected 75 gifts from Angel Trees at 1st Bank of Falcon, American Insurance Exchange and Walmart, and delivered them to Laurel Manor Care Nursing Home for the 25 American veterans living there. Also delivered were huge boxes of chocolate candy, tins of popped corn and packaged assortments of nuts that the Exchange Club donated for each veteran. Members of the club brought their own home-baked goodies to share at this special Christmas party. The Exchange Club ìAngelsî knew they had made a difference from all the big smiles on the faces of the veterans.