The Exchange Club Golf Tournament for charity took place June 19 at the Antler Creek Golf Course. Before the shotgun start tee off, 11-year-old Sarah Misner sang a beautiful rendition of the National Anthem.Congratulations to the first prize foursome from Stellar Solution: Punch Moulton, Daniel Mastrobus, Rich Beysy and Mary Riddell.A delicious luncheon re-energized the golfers for the next event: raffle drawings. Thanks to all the participants, especially the sponsors: The State Bank, American Insurance Exchange, Comfort Dental, Innovative Group Realty, Falcon Family Eye Care, 1st Bank, Bobby Brown Bail Bonds, Victory Roofing, La Mission Restaurant, ASI Insurance, Steller Solutions, Farmers State Bank, Palmer Chiropractic, State Farm Insurance, Hotel Elegante, Exam Own and United Life. Hole-In-One sponsors were Al Serra Chevy and Mike Shaw.Proceeds will go to Help Stop Child Abuse, and the clubís other efforts: promoting Americanism, recognizing youth and helping the community. Bob Miller chaired the successful golf tournament this year. Call Bob for how you can help the Exchange Club ñ- 719-641-0752.Human services opens satellite officeThe El Paso County Department of Human Services has opened a new satellite office to better assist clients in Eastern Colorado Springs. The office is open for people who want to apply for food assistance, Medicaid, cash programs and more. The office at 5853 Championship View is off Barnes Road near Powers and Tutt boulevards, next to the El Paso County Veterans Affairs office in Eastern Colorado Springs. The office is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, and closed on county holidays.