A new clerk of election has been appointed for the May 29 Falcon incorporation election.Falcon resident Juliana Brickley, who has been an election judge for other El Paso County elections, was sworn in as the election official May 1.ìI decided as a civic duty, and with my experience with elections, to say yes to becoming clerk of the election,î Brickley said.Thomas Cline, Falcon Incorporation Committee chairman, was the prior clerk of election.John Bass, El Paso County clerk and recorderís election manager, said, because Cline spearheaded the incorporation effort, he relinquished the position to avoid the appearance of impropriety.As the clerk of election, Brickleyís duties include issuing absentee ballots and verifying that the ballots are from registered voters living within the proposed incorporation boundaries. She also holds the absentee ballots safe and accountable until the election, recruits and supervises election judges and verifies votes after the election.All entities involved in the election process are charged with ensuring the integrity of the election, Bass said.ìI do have an opinion, but I would like to keep it private because of my position in the election,î Brickley said of the incorporation issue. ìI try hard to maintain a balanced and unbiased perspective. I will attend meetings for both sides and pass out applications for absentee ballots.îFrequently, commissioners also can serve as a poll watcher or a judge. Viewpoints on the issue do not limit who can participate on the commission. ìA person who wants to be a member can also be an opponent; it does not deny them the right to say the direction the city of Falcon should go,î Bass said. In an article in The New Falcon Herald April 21 issue, ìIncorporation election commission: unequal ñ and illegal? ñ representation,î Bass further stated that the election official should ìguarantee equal representation on both sides of the issue.îA list of commissioners is typically presented when the incorporation paperwork is filed with the district court. He said the clerk of election could amend the list by adding or deleting names. Brickley was not sure of the current representatives of the election commission.Election judges at designated polling places ensure that voters are residents and registered to vote and that all ballots are not pre-marked and have been cared for with integrity and properly placed into the ballot box.Brickley said absentee ballots are available, and she must receive them by May 25.