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El Paso County Wagon Train

The El Paso County Wagon Train celebrates the rich Western heritage of eastern Colorado with trail ride opportunities July 16 and/or July 17. The Saturday ride leaves from the Bailey Ranch, 1 mile north of Simla, at 10 a.m. and returns by 3 p.m. The ride on Sunday departs from Ramah Dam at 10 a.m. and arrives at the El Paso County Fairgrounds around 4 p.m.Registration fee includes doughnuts and coffee and dinner on Saturday, as well as breakfast (provided by Good Luck Samís) and lunch on Sunday. Lunch on Saturday is on your own. On Saturday evening, enjoy after-dinner entertainment, including cowboy poetry and music for dancing.For more information and registration forms, visit or call Don Bailey at 719-740-0658 or 719-541-2736. Register by July 10 to make it easier to plan the food. Registrations are accepted, however, after July 10.

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