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Dane’s legacy

About 1,200 people attended Dane Balcon’s memorial service at the U.S Air Force Academy Chapel on Sept. 14.Friends, family members, fellow soldiers and strangers from all over the country have expressed their feelings about Dane at of Dane’s teachers wrote a moving tribute that captures Dane’s spirit and the thoughts of many of his friends and fellow soldiers who signed the legacy guest book. The NFH copied the tribute from,I know I’m a better teacher and person for having known you. Your humor and spontaneity will be sorely missed. Your skill on the drill pad has left a legacy of excellence at both Falcon and Sand Creek High Schools. Your confidence and self-assuredness were something to be emulated by all the kids on the team.In the last essay assignment you wrote for me, you said:“When I go, I hope that they remember me and what I did. Like Alexander the Great who conquered much of the known world before he died at age 33. His name is in every history book on the planet, and I’m sure that’s what he wanted the most. Not to have statues in his likeness, or the wealth of the world, but to be remembered as a Titan. My Chief once asked me what my fear was and I said that mine was failure which is true. But my greatest fear, the thing I fear most is being forgotten, because I will never forget what I have done.” I will never forget those days in the sun …thriving in my moments with my brothers in hard earned glory.”You wrote this in an essay about drill but I kept it, because I knew it was about much more than that. This guestbook is proof your fear is unfounded.Dane, in the lessons of life you have an “A” in my book and in that regard I’m now the student and you’re the teacher.God speed Dane and I know you’ve already taught the angels how to do single spins and aerials with their trumpets. Until we meet again.-CMSgt(ret) Ben Brown AFJROTC

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