The third annual Open Gardens Tour, sponsored by CSU Extension will be held July 13 and 14, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in southwest Colorado Springs.† Seven exceptional private gardens will be open. Each offers a unique horticultural experience, ranging from a mountainside wildlife sanctuary to a whimsical blooming paradise.† The gardens vary from extravagant to restful.Tickets are $15; children under 12 are free.† Ticket sales are on sale now at the CSU Extension Office (305 S. Union Blvd.), Garden Center at Flying Horse, Good Earth Garden Center, Phelan Gardens, Rickís Garden Center, Spencerís Lawn and Gardens, Stone Path Gardens and Summerland Gardens.† If you plan to purchase your tickets on the tour dates, find out the garden centersí operating hours.The tour will provide an opportunity to talk with the homeowners and master gardeners about plant selection, care and the strategies used to maintain the gardens. The tour will benefit the CSU Extension programs in El Paso County.† The funds will be used to support a variety of programs, including youth development through 4-H, horticulture and nutrition.
Colorado Springs garden tour
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